Stride High!!!


By :- Aishwarya Raghunath

We are all explorers
Wandering through the maze of life.
Everything happens for a reason
Everything is interrelated.

No problems are grave
They enter your life to free you out of maze
It’s the building of storms over the sea that atlast causes rains
Never run away from problems
They are keys to the door you wonder.

Every storm makes us strong
Every path of life is laden with thorns
Walk over them
Don’t cringe don’t tame
Every difficulty in life is for you to stride again.

Nothing is coinincidence
Everyone you meet in the path of life
Are there for a reason;
Nothing is ever useless in life
There is something to learn from everyone we cross by
Even a single drop of rain can cause ripple in ocean.

Those who left
Have played their part;
That should not make one fall apart
If you don’t learn out of what was laid across
The journey of life will all end up in vain.

Look around seek knowledge
Look within to seek peace;
Don’t count your happiness in numbers and people
Your happiness lies in inner peace.

Nobody breaks anybody
Without the consent of self;
The one who accepts without expectations
He in life turns into exception.

Difficulty is important.
If you are facing one it is because you are considered worth it.
The block in the path is inbuilt doubt and fear that makes one’s sight blurry to find the solution.

“Nobody ever in the world who didn’t face difficulty in life has ever went on to become a prodigy in life.”

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